saas marketing books

15 Best SaaS Marketing Books You Should Read in 2024

Last Updated: 24/02/2024By

15 Unique SaaS Marketing Campaigns Till Date

With new marketing channels, human psychology has simply added more layers—not shredded any.

To communicate with the core psyche, we are sharing 15 best SaaS marketing books that you must read in 2024.

David Ogilvy famously said in his book Ogilvy on Advertising, “There are more good ideas and techniques in 20 great books on advertising than you can absorb in a lifetime.”

And that is for good reason as well.

SaaS Marketing books are not meant to be read once. The best ones are written to help people learn and relearn the core of influencing and virality regularly.

Here, we are sharing 15 all time best SaaS marketing books that will help learn:

  • How SaaS marketers can create iconic marketing campaigns?
  • B2B Sales and marketing techniques for CMOs to generate leads exponentially.
  • How to create a marketing automation strategy that keeps on rewarding.

Since we are going to unwind why you must read following best books on SaaS marketing, let’s have a good look at categorize we are exploring here:

  1. Understanding Fundamentals and Setting Foundations
    1. The Challenger Sale
    2. Influence: Science and Practice
    3. Made To Stick
    4. Building a Story Brand
  2. Growth and Expansion
    1. Growth Hacker Marketing
    2. Hacking Growth
    3. Contagious: Why Things Catch On
    4. Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype Hardcover
    5. Traffic Secrets
    6. $100M LEADS
  3.  Advanced Strategies and Tactics
    1. Steal Like an Artist
    2. One Page Marketing Plan
    3. The Neuroscience of Selling
    4. This is Marketing
    5. Buy-Ology

Without taking any more time, let’s get started.

15 Best SaaS Marketing Books You Should Read in 2024

1. The Challenger Sale

The Challenger Sale

The Challenger Sale is among the best SaaS marketing books that we would recommend to get started with. While it teaches sales, it is focused on converting its B2B customers.

It breaks the common assumption of “building relations with customers first and then selling.”

For marketing, it shows you what a customer wants to see, how they compare, and how to position your product well.

About author

The Challenger Sale is written by Matthew Dixon & Brent Adamson.

Matthew is the founder and CEO of Dixon Advisory Group, specializing in customer experience research and consulting. Brent Adamson is VP and Group Director at Gartner, focusing on sales and marketing effectiveness.

Authors have shared extensive research, insights, and learnings within this best SaaS marketing book to sell and market products well.

Key learnings

The Challenger Sale focuses on action insights you can implement to convert more leads. It teaches us:

  • Guiding customers through the buying process
  • Engaging the right stakeholders who make the influence in buying decisions.
  • It also shares how high-performing sellers actively guide customer stakeholders, providing prescriptive guidance to mobilizers.

The book emphasizes on taking charge of the conversation you are having with your customer.

To control the frame, and find the mobilizer behind the decision makers. Sticking to marketing, this books breaks down how to teach, tailor and take control of your customer experience.

Why should you read Challenger Sales?

Unlike most books on SaaS marketing, The Challenger Sale is backed by intensive data and analysis. Authors have done research with 90 companies and over 6000 sales representatives.

They found how high-performers guide a prospect to become a paying customer. No it is not just a gift, but the real art of persuasion that can be learned.

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2. Influence: Science and Practice

Influence Science and Practice

Influence is among the most well-renowned books in the field of persuasion psychology. From crafting compelling messaging to building trust—the author reveals layers of human psychology.

The reason it is among the best SaaS marketing books is because it shares the guide to persuade how a customer comes to a decision.

With real-world examples and case studies, you’ll learn to influence your prospects and turn them into loyal customers.

About author

Robert Cialdini is a professor of psychology and marketing at Arizona State University.

Along with research and field observation across sectors, the author planted himself in various settings like car dealerships and telemarketing companies.

This is to observe how people were persuaded to say “yes.”

Robert came up with six core principles of influence. But rather than simply stating it as a scientific study—he blended it with stories to write this book.

That is why, even after being published in 1948, the book remains the foundational text for persuasion science and marketing.

Key learnings

Influence is focused on helping you understand what goes through a human mind when making a decision.

And, more importantly, how you can persuade that thought in your favor. For SaaS marketing especially, the book delves into:

  • Offering something upfront creates a sense of obligation, increasing your likelihood of a positive response.
  • Why and how highlighting satisfactory users builds credibility and trust among the customers.
  • To encourage prospects for a small commitment early on so they are more likely to follow through with more significant actions.

See how widespread growth leading SaaS marketing campaigns are based on the learnings from this book? That is because the book indeed influences the way you market your product.

Why should you read Influence?

Influence is the source material behind some of the go to marketing strategies. And only after understanding how psychology and marketing merge, will you be able to create your growth hack of 2024.

While the book offers a lot of professional experience, it is among the best SaaS marketing books for professionals at all the stages of their career.

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3. Made To Stick

Made To Stick

Made to Stick is a classic SaaS marketing book that delves into the psychology of what makes ideas memorable and sticky.

Essentially, teaching you how to craft your brand’s message and campaign such that your target audience remembers it.

The book is filled with actionable tips on how to craft messages that can be very easily applied to a variety of marketing channels, including website copy, social media, and email marketing.

About author

Chip Heath and Dan Heath have co-authored multiple best-selling marketing books, Made To Stick being one of them.

They started researching this book by collecting and studying examples of “sticky” ideas, including urban legends, proverbs, and successful marketing campaigns.

Both bring their individual strengths of analysis and storytelling to curate this guide that shares what makes people remember and share a brand’s messages with others.

They didn’t just theorize; they tested their ideas in real-world settings. They conducted workshops and experiments to see how their principles applied to different situations and audiences.

That is why you’ll find the following book filled with examples and case studies you will learn from.

Key learnings

Made to Stick is among the best SaaS marketing books, especially relevant in 2024 where you want to make your brand stand out among all the voices. The book shares:

  • The importance of simplifying a message and sticking to the core of what you want to convey.
  • Creating a surprising element, be it using intriguing headlines, surprising statistics, or thought-provoking questions.
  • Telling stories, but at the sametime creating a curiosity gap among the prospect to try your SaaS product.

Why should you read Made To Stick?

We consider Made to Stick among the best books on SaaS marketing as it shares a crucial aspect of making people remember you.

Today, when your prospects are comparing you with all your competitors, you need to get that extra advantage of being memorable and different.

This book is the foundation on how you can curate your marketing messages that help you get that extra space in your prospect’s minds.

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4. Building a Story Brand

Building a Story Brand

Building a Story Brand is among the best SaaS marketing books, set on the premise of how humans are naturally wired to respond to stories.

The author outlines a framework of seven universal story points that you can use to build a story. The book also shares common mistakes on how most businesses fall into the trap of talking about themselves rather than talking to customers.

Building a Story Brands guide you on how to shift focus towards the customer’s problem and desire, making them the hero of the story and your brand the helpful guide.

About author

The book is written by Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand, a marketing company. The book was created out of personal struggles to communicate ideas effectively.

Donald shares how he found himself grappling with writer’s block, and this frustration led him into the world of storytelling, analyzing successful narratives across different mediums.

Building a StoryBrand is the output of a struggle that every brand goes through. And the art of communicating through stories will be among the best lessons in marketing you need for a SaaS to connect with the audience.

Key learnings

At this point, you want a book that tells you how to actually implement your learning and communicate better.

Building a Story Brand is among them. Here’s what you’ll learn from it:

  • A story-building framework that is specifically designed to help marketers create brand messages that customers can understand.
  • To position the product as a “guide” that will help customers overcome challenges rather than trying to be an over-the-top hero.
  • And being able to craft a compelling narrative around their brand.

Why should you read Building a Story Brand?

Miller wrote this book not to teach story writing but to help brands build a story for their customers to connect with. 

We consider this among the best SaaS marketing books for one simple reason.

In the SaaS world, where marketing often revolves around the new trends of technology like blockchain, AI, No-code, etc—this book on SaaS marketing shows you how to prioritize the customer.

So, how will you make them a hero while being an assistant in their success?

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5. Growth Hacker Marketing

Growth Hacker Marketing

Growth Hacker Marketing is a quick read but something that you’ll often revisit.

It shares insight into rapid business growth through agile, data-driven strategies. It challenges the slow burn of traditional marketing methods and motivates more focused efforts based on leveraging data.

For a modern marketing professional, Growth Hacker Marketing is among the best SaaS marketing books that integrate analytical thinking within a brand’s creative operations.

About author

Growth Hacker Marketing is written by Ryan Holiday, who led the marketing of American Apparels and is now a well-known author in the niches of marketing, PR, and stoicism.

Unlike most traditional marketing books, Ryan’s writing is free of jargon. He runs straight to the point, which is the same he teaches in the book.

He uses real-world examples and case studies extensively, illustrating the concepts with relatable stories and practical applications.

It’s the work of Ryan that popularized Growth hacking as we know it today. This book plays a very important role in shaping how startups can achieve growth by targeting only a few specific areas.

Key learnings

Growth Hacker Marketing is a book using which a team can take maximum learnings due to their data-heavy feedback. The book talks about:

  • The concept of growth hacking emphasizes data-driven, agile approaches to achieve rapid business growth.
  • Holiday showcases real-world success stories from companies like Dropbox and Airbnb and how a small shift resulted in the vertical curve of SaaS giants.
  • With this book, marketers can immediately implement growth strategies, whether they’re launching a startup or scaling an existing SaaS business.

You can be at various stages of the SaaS lifecycle, but Growth Hacker Marketing would guide—every single time—where you can look to find new opportunities of scale.

Why should you read Growth Hacker Marketing?

While the term “Growth Hacking” is being coined out of context quite regularly, the book shows you the approach a SaaS team can take.

It is surely among the best SaaS marketing books since it focuses on how marketers are now social engineers—figuring out the point of maximum efficiency at the fastest rate of testing.

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6. Hacking Growth

Hacking Growth

Hacking Growth is among the best SaaS marketing books that will teach you how to actually make rapid growth happen.

While the earlier book, Growth Hacker Marketing, would be the best introduction, Hacking Growth is your ultimate source and research paper.

It gives you templates, techniques, experiments, and all the practical guidance you need for a data-driven approach towards marketing. And that surely makes it among the best books on SaaS marketing out there, which you must read.

About author

Hacking Growth is written by Morgan Brown and Sean Ellis. In fact, Sean Ellis coined the term “growth hacker” in 2010 and is also the brain behind Dropbox’s rapid growth in the early stages.

He understood the importance of data and used it effectively in targeting and marketing. He spearheads this community of rapid SaaS marketing and shares practical steps with this book.

Ellis and Brown worked together, leveraging their complementary expertise. Ellis brought growth hacking insights, while Brown added marketing strategy and storytelling skills.

Key learnings

The book is a practical guide that will teach you about the following:

  • The key metrics that a SaaS marketing team should focus on to identify and prioritize growth opportunities.
  • The book explores a wide range of growth hacking techniques across various channels, such as viral marketing, content marketing, SEO, paid advertising, and product optimization.
  • Taking a step towards the organization of the team, you also learn about how to build and structure a growth team for optimal performance.

The book features real-world case studies of companies that successfully implemented growth hacking strategies. All this makes the book an easy and the most valuable read for marketers.

Why should you read Hacking Growth?

Hacking Growth is among the books that shifts your focus towards the important part of marketing. One can easily be distracted by creatives and chatter around a brand.

This book shows you what really matters for a SaaS marketing team and how to achieve it through guides, examples, and actionable techniques that can be copied by any organization.

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7. Contagious: Why Things Catch On

Contagious Why Things Catch On

Contagious is among the best SaaS marketing books that you must read right before you start with your growth marketing phase.

The book dives into the science behind virality and social transmission. SaaS marketers can use this learning to amplify their growth hacking by learning how to make their products go viral.

This is a book that talks about Social Currency, Triggers, Emotions, Publicity, Value, and Stories. Something that one needs in the recipe of virality.

About author

Jonah Berger, author of Contagious, is renowned as an expert on social influence, word-of-mouth, and virality.

He consulted for Fortune 500 companies and various brands on applying his research to their marketing strategies.

For this book, Berger spent years researching and analyzing data on what makes things go viral. He drew from psychology, sociology, and marketing. He even analyzed real-world campaigns and interviewed hundreds of people to bring this book together.

Indeed, when you read this book, you are able to break down how iconic marketing campaigns were designed to be the iconic campaigns they are.

Key learnings

While other SaaS marketing books can teach you how to optimize your efforts or influence your target audience, Contagious is a book that focuses on how you can make your target audience share and talk about your SaaS product within their groups.

  • Berger outlines a framework of six principles using the acronym STEPPS.
  • The book draws from case studies, including successful viral campaigns by organizations. Making it easy for you to see things in action and how you can implement them.
  • Berger emphasizes that understanding the underlying principles allows marketers to create shareable content without breaking the bank.

For a small team, this learning can drastically make a difference in the approach to marketing your SaaS product.

Why should you read Contagious?

One of the core reasons why Contagious is considered among the best SaaS marketing books is because it focuses on using minimal resources to drive unprecedented results.

The book is filled with examples, and the reading is quite fun, seeing how a marketer came up with the most viral campaigns from a simple interaction with people building and using the product.

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8. Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype


Youtility is among the best SaaS marketing books, helping you draw a clear difference between helping and selling.

It introduces a new business approach that cuts through the clutter of traditional marketing and shares how to create transactional value with your audience.

The author shares various real-life examples, practical strategies, and the long-term impact of consistently providing value and building trust, loyalty, and lasting relationships with their customers.

About author

Jay Baer is an American marketing consultant who has had a diverse career, including roles as a political campaign manager, political consultant, and marketing manager.

Baer’s insights have influenced marketers to shift from hype-driven selling to genuinely helpful marketing.

He himself co-founded, a local content website, which became Arizona’s second-largest content website. Within the book, he also shares success stories of companies practicing Youtility. Something that really comes in handy when seeing an idea into practice.

Key learnings

Youtility is considered among the best SaaS marketing books because of its approach to building relationships that are shared between the business and the customer. The authors talks about:

  • How can SaaS companies create long-term relationships by consistently offering helpful content, tools, and resources?
  • Understanding your customers’ needs, pain points, and goals.
  • The importance of regularly publishing content that addresses the pain points of users.

The book helps you break away from the approach of creating hype and actually being useful to your potential user.

Why should you read Youtility?

Youtility by Jay Baer is among the best SaaS marketing books that will shift your mindset from hype-driven selling to genuinely helpful marketing. At a stage where you’ll be putting your brand’s content out, this book will be a guide to creating lasting connections with your audience.

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9. Traffic Secrets

Traffic Secrets

Traffic Secrets is among the very few books that specifically talk about bringing traffic to your website. Indeed, it is a valuable resource and the best SaaS marketing book.

The book has remained timeless with the strategies that were shared to attract traffic from dream customers. It talks about websites, funnel, and offers.

You will learn about hooks and storytelling that attracts and keeps the customer on-site. The book also shares insights on crafting irresistible offers that resonate with customers and how to structure them to significantly improve your conversion rates.

About author

Traffic Secrets is written by none other than Russell Brunson, co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.

He co-founded and led his software company to become among the rapidly growing privately held software companies globally. His expertise lies in marketing, sales funnels, and online business strategies.

Russell is also among the reasons why Traffic Secrets is the best SaaS marketing book for startup teams. After all, he actually built a software company using the same strategy.

The author understands the challenge of growing a SaaS company, and this book shares the secret to uncover growth potential from the internet.

Key learnings

The book is filled with actions, steps, and mindsets that SaaS marketing needs. The book shares how to acquire traffic, engage prospects, and spike your conversion rate with paying customers. 

Some of the key takeaways are:

  • Identify the social platform where your dream customers are hanging out and reach them effectively.
  • Creating irresistible offers that address your customers’ needs.
  • Continuously test and optimize your traffic strategies.

The goal of this book is to essentially help marketers apply these principles to drive targeted visitors to their website.

Why should you read Traffic Secrets?

The very first and most effective reason is the author of the book. Russell Brunson is a serial entrepreneur in the digital world, and this book shares how he actually brings customers to his software.

Being among the best SaaS marketing books, it teaches you how to bring targeted traffic, engage them, and finally convert them to pay for your tools.

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10. $100M Leads

100m leads$100M Leads might be among the recent additions to join the list of best SaaS marketing books. While the book has already been socially viral, it is important to note that it is not just an influencer fuss.

The book shares some of the leading strategies to generate more leads. And not just by the number of leads but by the quality that brings numbers to your business account.

$100M teaches you the effective method of using Direct Referral Methods, Affiliate Marketing, and turning strangers into hot leads. The book has a lot to unpack for the market since the knowledge it shares is still untapped by most online SaaS businesses.

About author

Alex Hormozi is the author of $100M Leads. He is a serial entrepreneur and investor with a portfolio of companies generating $200,000,000 per year in under a decade.

The following is based on his own lead that transformed his own lead generation’s efforts and added rapid growth and success.

Alex ensured that the book is practical and result-oriented. Something that his readers could implement in their lead-generation efforts.

Key learnings

It is clear from the title itself that this book is all about generating high-quality leads for your business.

The book is practical, and since it has been published recently, it is among the best SaaS marketing books that will help you learn:

  • How to transform your content into leads using a system that hooks your audience
  • 6-part ad framework that gets more people, especially strangers, interested in what you offer.
  • Seven direct referral methods are responsible for 30% of Alex’s sales.

Why should you read $100M LEADS?

The author shares his strategies that have actually worked in the recent world and continue to deliver results. While the book discusses the use of affiliate marketing and direct selling, the insight on how to use them in a more entrepreneurial manner makes the book a hub of ideas for every saas marketing team.

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11. Steal Like an Artist

Steal Like an Artist

Steal Like an Artist was published in the genre of creativity, and we know the importance of creative ideas in the marketing landscape as well.

We consider it among the best SaaS marketing books since it shares how a person can utilize what’s already available, to create something outstanding and unique.

It could be a blog or an entire marketing strategy for your SaaS product. The book will help you figure out how to learn from success and various fields of work and implement them in your work.

The book is simple and a quick read. But a must if your SaaS marketing team struggles to find new ways to reach and engage the target audience.

About author

Steal Like an Artist is written by Austin Kleon. And while he didn’t intend it to be a book, it is among the best SaaS marketing books talking about finding inspiration and creating something new.

The book itself is an extension of a blog post-Austin wrote in 2011. And since this book was originally content for university talk, it is less than 100 pages and way more impactful than most books talking about new ideas out there.

Kleon is also known for his artistic style, and the book incorporates hand-drawn illustrations and collages, making it visually appealing and memorable.

Key learnings

Steal Like an Artist offers valuable insights for SaaS marketers, encouraging creativity and originality. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Study the work of others and understand their references. This way, you can enhance your own creative approach to achieve your marketing goal.
  • There is no original idea. They are always inspired by something that didn’t exist in the industry earlier.
  • Look beyond a set of books, blogs, videos, and case studies. New ideas can come when you break the norm and broaden your intellectual horizons.

Why should you read Steal Like an Artist?

The book is a break from a regular marketing book but a read that will inspire all your future marketing campaigns and strategies.

Austin shares the importance of creativity in coming up with new ideas. So, if someone ever struggles to find a new approach, this book should be the ultimate guide to where to look for the next big thing.

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12. One Page Marketing Plan

One Page Marketing Plan

One Page Marketing Plan is a concise and practical guidebook that provides a straightforward approach to creating an effective marketing plan for your business.

If you are a small team or a leading team of marketers—it is surely among the best SaaS marketing books that you could read.

The book emphasizes that marketing is the fastest path to revenue for any business. And unlike other marketing practices and strategies of about 50 pages and more, it relies on a one-page approach.

Its approach is based on two principles: the Pareto Principle, where 20% of marketing efforts yield 80% of results, and leverage, i.e., using resources efficiently.

About author

Allan Dib, author of One Page Marketing Plan, is a serial entrepreneur and rebellious marketer in the teaching space. He shares his extensive experience, practical insights, and actionable strategies for marketers and entrepreneurs.

The book focuses on the marketing planning process, condensing it into a single-page framework that helps businesses achieve rapid growth.

Overall, it tells you how you can leverage available resources to get maximum results irrespective of the competition your SaaS is facing.

Key learnings

The book is curated around the idea of keeping your actions concentrated to ensure you are able to leverage maximum benefits. Some of the key learning Allan shared in this book are:

  • A practical framework with nine squares, representation of target market, message, media, lead capture, lead nurturing, sales conversion, customer value, upsell, and referrals.
  • How to use specific strategies and tactics to attract, convert, and retain customers.
  • And how to encourage satisfied customers to refer others.

It’s a concise and insightful SaaS marketing book that will help you plan out your next steps in marketing.

Why should you read One Page Marketing Plan?

One Page Marketing Plan is about action, more than planning. It shows how most ideas and strategies can be simply avoided to focus on the most important ones.

The book shares ways to draw your own impactful strategy and implement it to drive results for your SaaS product.

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13. The Neuroscience of Selling

The Neuroscience of Selling

The Neuroscience of Selling is surely a book that every marketer has once searched for. A book that shows us the relationship between marketing and neuroscience.

Surely, it is among the best SaaS marketing books, as it talks about Creating compelling narratives, Optimizing communication, and Leveraging cognitive biases.

The book is also filled with colorful illustrations, making it fun to read for sure. But taking a step ahead, the book also talks about Neurolinguistics, Neuromarketing techniques, Personalization, and Emotional storytelling.

About author

The Neuroscience of Selling is written by John Asher. Author of over 15 sales-related books and training manuals.

The book showcases how to use the creation of the human brain and communicate in a way that makes decision-making super easy for the audience.

John Asher co-founded a sales advisory services practice that has since become a global leader in sales strategies. The team has trained more than 80,000 executives, salespeople, and customer-facing managers in 22 developed countries.

Key learnings

The reason why it is among the best SaaS marketing books is the valuable insight it shares into the psychology behind sales and decision-making. The book helps in:

  • Understanding the brain’s decision-making process.
  • Focusing on customer success and value.
  • Creating predictable pipelines for the sales and marketing process.

Going ahead, the book also talks about how to hire the right people and ensure steady growth across client sizes.

Why should you read The Neuroscience of Selling?

The book bridges the art and science of marketing together. It also describes how to use the bias of the customers and increase your conversion rate.

John Asher shared some of the best insights that will help a marketer understand and use the functioning of the brain to their advantage.

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14. This is Marketing

This is Marketing

This is Marketing is considered among the best marketing books that will teach you how to be data-driven, agile, and iterative in your approach.

It is among the must-read books that will help you learn the relation-building of traditional marketing with the growth-focused approach of the SaaS world.

The core principles are meant to elevate your understanding of how to connect customers with a brand and drive results by fostering loyalty and driving growth.

About author

This is Marketing, which is written by the modern times’ most favorite and popular marketing mind—Seth Godin.

He has made his name in the field for a long time, and for good reason: he is considered among the best in this field.

This is Marketing, which is among the best SaaS marketing books. Seth talks about various ideas of marketing. This includes The Power of Tribes, Permission Marketing,  The Purple Cow, and The Dip.

Key learnings

The book offers some of the valuable insights into marketing that a SaaS needs to test and utilize in its growth journey. 

This is what “This is Marketing” talks about:

  • Listening to your target market’s dreams, desires, and pain points to empathize with them.
  • Identify a niche audience that truly values your product and build a loyal customer base.
  • Cultivate communities of like-minded individuals who share common interests.
  • Crafting compelling narratives that connect emotionally with your audience.

Be it making something extraordinary to market your brand or being part of your target audience’s tribe. The book packs everything that marketers need to connect with their audience.

Why should you read This is Marketing?

Seth has built some of the best marketing campaigns, and this book is a reflection of how he approaches marketing in the modern world. The book walks you through various concepts of marketing.

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15. Buy-Ology


Buyology is a captivating exploration that discovers how and why people buy what they buy. The book delves into the subconscious motivations and desires of participants to understand their choices in products and brands.

With over 2000 participants, Buylogy shared some groundbreaking insights into understanding buying psychology.

It is among the best SaaS marketing books that teach you the power of the unconscious, sensory triggers, the importance of social proof, and more.

About author

Martin Lindstrom, author of Buyology, is renowned for his innovative approach to marketing research, which often blends traditional methods with neuromarketing.

For this book, Martin spent a three-year, seven-million-dollar neuromarketing study involving over 2,000 participants. This involved brain scans, eye-tracking technology, and other methods to directly observe the brain activity of consumers while interacting with various marketing stimuli.

The results of this study and insight are shared with the readers via this best SaaS marketing book that you must read in 2024.

Key learnings

Buyology shares some of the key insights into the decision-making process of the human mind. While a lot shall be unpacked, here are a few learnings from this book:

  • There is a strong influence of how our senses, like sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste, influence the decisions we make while buying a product.
  • Storytelling is among the binding forces between customers and products on an emotional level.
  • The book also explores how limited-time offers and limited quantities can trigger urgency and increase purchase likelihood.

Why should you read Buy-Ology?

The goal is, and shall always be, to better understand the customer. Buyology takes an important step in this direction and shares how our mind is working behind the scenes, even when we are not considering buying a product.

For SaaS marketers, Buyology is among the best marketing books that provide valuable insights into the hidden psychology of their customers.

By understanding the subconscious forces that drive buying decisions, SaaS marketers can develop more effective campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

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To list the best SaaS marketing books, we identified the different stages of a SaaS marketer and their problems. We are confident you’ll get a solution to your problems with the above books.

Moreover, learning from these books will also give you insight into what made the author a leading marketer.

Have a read, and hopefully, a new idea will strike you that will make your conversions skyrocket.